Knowledge Capture is the secure, cloud-based process platform for your content needs.

Platform Services:

Strategic Information Governance

Information Governance: Enforces compliance of content management across the information lifecycle.

Strategic information governance is a key enabler towards tactical cloud content management. When strategically planned, the cloud can empower an organisation with greater access to more actionable information and give your content greater value.

Transformational services

As the Digital Age reigns supreme, successfully harnessing the power of information can lead to transformational success for an organisation.

Read more about transformational services.

The benefits of information governance

Increased market value

According to Gartner research, organisations that effectively manage and measure information as a true asset have a market value premium of between 200% - 300%. By the end of the decade, an estimated 80% of financial analysts will consider a company’s information and analytic capabilities in valuing the business itself as standard practice.

Managed access

Information governance-based content management forces organisations to manage content across the information lifecycle to ensure the authenticity, reliability, and integrity of documents and records (all based on governance rules and processes), delivering content to authorised users only. This results in secure managed access, ensuring that the sharing and use of content is within established governance rules and processes.

Automated processes

Our cloud-based enterprise content services are designed to be integrated into your core business processes. The integration delivers centralised information management and governance while ensuring that content is made available to empower decision-making at each stage of the process while helping to automate previously manual process steps.

Structures information

Knowledge Capture captures, classifies, and automates business content, creating value from information that was previously unstructured and unavailable. Integrated information governance automates the entire information lifecycle from capture through to final destruction, with no intervention from users needed.

Risk management

It’s important to get a hold of your information governance process as early as possible. As sources of information continue to evolve and continue to grow exponentially - so does your risk management footprint right along with it. Already, many organisations are left to cope with redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) or “dark” data landfills. Even organisations that have a sound records management process are at risk, since large swaths of information that may not fit the definition of a “corporate record” fall outside of lifecycle governance entirely.

Information Governance Maturity Assessment

Beyond the risk side of the equation is the opportunity cost of missing out on the valuation potential of your information. It’s just not possible to truly harness the power of your organisation’s information assets if you don’t have a clear governance strategy. The first step in developing that strategy is understanding where you measure up today.

enChoice has developed a specialised assessment, driven by industry best practices, to serve as a point-in-time measure of an organisation’s Information Governance maturity. enChoice's Information Governance Maturity Assessment (IGMA) uses an industry standard benchmarking model and can serve as the basis for subsequent strategy development in implementing a long-term Information Governance roadmap.

Enquire about our Information Governance Maturity Assessment (IGMA) for your business

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